Vol 9, No S1 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://www.new.vestnik-surgery.com/index.php/2415-7805/issue/view/134
Main mechanisms for the formation of opium addiction
Currently, the problem of addictive disorders gains great importance. Drug addiction is a serious threat to public health all around the world. In epidemiological studies, it has been established that opium addiction takes the leading place in the Russian Federation (83%) [1].
Молодежный инновационный вестник. 2020;9(S1):4-5
Relevant aspects of addiction formation to prescribed anxiolytics
Nowadays the use of anxiolytics is common in the medical practice all over the world. According to statistics, between 3.5% and 11.7% percents of the whole population of the world use anxiolytics to treat anxiety, insomnia, alcohol withdrawal, seizure and panic disorder as well as for conscious sedation and as a muscle relaxant. At the same time, it is well known that anxiolytics may cause strong side effects. Use of one the most widespread class of anxiolytics, Benzodiazepines, is usually associated with drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, trembling, incoordination, vision problems, grogginess and depression. They also may have deleterious effects on memory and cognition, and may be associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. In addition to the above negative effects, numerous studies have evaluated the association of hypnotics and anxiolytics use with mortality risk. That is why the current situation of widespread use of anxiolytics seems now as a cause for alarm. The situation becomes even more dangerous since anxiolytics cause strong addiction, while the abuse of these medicines increases the risk of mortality. Aforementioned illustrates well why study of the anxiolytic addiction is one of the actual topics in modern pharmacy.
Молодежный инновационный вестник. 2020;9(S1):6-7
Opioid: abuse and addiction
The non-medical use of prescribed drugs is becoming a major opioid threat to public health and law enforcement worldwide. 0.27 million (2.5% of the source population) were estimated to be opioid dependent, of which nearly 78,000 (0.7% of the source population) were injecting opioid users (IDUs), predominantly heroin (62%) but also buprenorphine (32.5%). High-risk behaviour was reported by nearly 60% of IDUs.
Молодежный инновационный вестник. 2020;9(S1):8-9
Anti-doping sentiment in a student environment
Doping scandals actively involved in the press with the participation of athletes from different sports and countries update the issue of awareness of athletes about the risk of taking prohibited drugs. The pursuit of sporting achievements at the price of using doping agents is unacceptable from a moral and ethical point of view of pure sport and is unsafe for the health of an athlete in general.
Молодежный инновационный вестник. 2020;9(S1):13-14
Protective role of antioxidants in experimental chronic alcohol intoxication
Alcoholic disease that develops as a result of the systematic use of alcohol is always accompanied with a violation of the functions of vital organs. In numerous publications, the effect of systematic alcohol abuse on the liver, brain, heart, and gastrointestinal tract has been demonstrated [1, 2]. At the same time, little attention is paid to the change in the structure of organs such as the adrenal glands under the influence of the chronic use of ethanol.
Молодежный инновационный вестник. 2020;9(S1):15-16
The use of cannabinoids in medical practice
Some countries legalize cannabis drug class for chronically ill patients. Canada and the Netherlands have government programs in which specialized companies supply with quality controlled cannabis herb. In the United States of America, 23 states and Washington, DC (May 2015), laws allowing medical use of cannabis have enacted; other countries have similar laws [1]. In the wake of the legalization of these substances, their properties should be considered and pharmacological characteristics should be given to them.
Молодежный инновационный вестник. 2020;9(S1):17-18
Endocannabinoid system: structure, localization of cannabinoid receptors and their mechanism of action
Nowadays multiple effects from intake of active substance of the plant Cannabis sativa, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), are of great interest to the scientists. It is proved that in the human body there is an endocannabinoid system, represented mainly by endogenous analogues of Δ9-THC and specific receptors, which can potentially become the objects of targeted therapy of many pathologies.
Молодежный инновационный вестник. 2020;9(S1):19-20
Role of endocannabinoid system in addiction
Nowadays treatment of drug addiction consists of abstinence from the abused substance and symptomatic therapy of “withdrawal syndrome”. Knowing pathogenesis of addiction it is possible to find new therapeutic targets for pharmacological interaction. Endocannabinoid system (ECS) is considered to be one of them.
Молодежный инновационный вестник. 2020;9(S1):21-22
Problems of using decongestants in therapeutic and pediatric practice
One of the current problems of the therapeutic and pediatric practice is an overuse of vasoconstrictors. Often after a treatment course by this group of drugs, patients cannot stop to use them, exceed the period of treatment and dosage prescribed by the doctor, that leads to the development of medical rhinitis.
Молодежный инновационный вестник. 2020;9(S1):23-25