Respiratory gymnastics as an important stage of the nursing process in pneumonia

  • Authors: Zueva M.V.1, Dyatchna N.G.2
  • Affiliations:
    2. Kursk State Medical University
  • Issue: Vol 13 (2024): Материалы XX Международного Бурденковского научного конгресса 18-20 апреля 2024 года
  • Pages: 613-614
  • Section: Физическая культура и медицинская реабилитация
  • URL:

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Resume. Introduction. The relevance of the nursing process in the care of patients with pneumonia lies in the fact that for each patient, often close and dear people do not have the opportunity to provide the necessary care for him. Almost all medical institutions provide such a service. Providing competent care, fulfilling doctor's prescriptions, proper nutrition and rehabilitation after pneumonia is an important criterion for noticeably accelerating recovery and preventing the occurrence of complications. [2] Pneumonia is a disease characterized by damage to the lung tissue. The need to study this disease is due to the fact that the outcome of this disease and the ability to work of patients in the future largely depend not only on early diagnosis and adequately conducted therapy, but also on the organization of nursing care for patients with pneumonia in a hospital setting. [1]The purpose of the study: to study the role of a nurse in the organization of nursing care and training in respiratory gymnastics for patients with pneumonia. Research methods: System analysis, statistical data processing, comparative and structural analysis, ranking. The results of the study: The survey was conducted on the GOOGLE platform, and respondents with potential pathologies of pneumonia participated. The results are encrypted and confidential. After conducting a survey, it can be revealed among patients that many face problems of ignorance about breathing exercises and their performance. This is one of the leading problems of rehabilitation after upper respiratory tract diseases. This work largely depends on the effective work of the nurse, the ability to find a common language with the patient. Keywords: respiratory gymnastics., pneumonia., disease., survey., patient.

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Introduction. The relevance of the nursing process in the care of patients with pneumonia lies in the fact that for each patient, often close and dear people do not have the opportunity to provide the necessary care for him. Almost all medical institutions provide such a service. Providing competent care, fulfilling doctor's prescriptions, proper nutrition and rehabilitation after pneumonia is an important criterion for noticeably accelerating recovery and preventing the occurrence of complications. [2] Pneumonia is a disease characterized by damage to the lung tissue. The need to study this disease is due to the fact that the outcome of this disease and the ability to work of patients in the future largely depend not only on early diagnosis and adequately conducted therapy, but also on the organization of nursing care for patients with pneumonia in a hospital setting. [1]The purpose of the study: To study the role of a nurse in the organization of nursing care and training in respiratory gymnastics for patients with pneumonia. Research methods: System analysis, statistical data processing, comparative and structural analysis, ranking. The results of the study: The survey was conducted on the GOOGLE platform, and respondents with potential pathologies of pneumonia participated. The results are encrypted and confidential. 75 patients participated in the survey, including 10% young people aged 18 to 30 years (5 people), 25% patients aged 31-45 years (30 people), 60% aged 45-60 years (40 people). The patients were asked the question "have you ever had pneumonia?" 80% answered "yes, I was sick", these are 60 respondents, 25% answered "no", these are 15 respondents. From this it follows that quite a large number were ill with pneumonia. 75% of the respondents answered "no" about their knowledge of breathing exercises, 25% answered "yes".In case of respiratory diseases, general restorative and special breathing exercises should be performed. The ranking showed that 12% of respondents attended physical therapy, 13% of respondents signed up and did not attend classes, 75% expressed doubts about the effectiveness of therapeutic exercises. About the method of improving the respiratory system according to Buteyko K.P., 13% of respondents replied that they had not heard about this technique, 77% of respondents were told by nurses and 10% read on the Internet when they learned about the technique. To the question "Have they explained to you how to do exercises?" 98% of the respondents answered "no" - this is 70 people, and 2% answered "yes" - this is 5 people. To the question "If you didn't explain, did the exercises help you?" 75% answered "no", 15% of respondents answered "yes". Most patients would like to learn more about breathing exercises, 85% answered "yes" to 64 respondents, 15% answered "no" to 11 correspondents.At the same time, 91% of respondents know and want to practice respiratory gymnastics according to the method of Strelnikova A.N., since this technique gives a pronounced therapeutic effect, and 9% of respondents do not care which method to practice. The respondents were asked the question "How would you like to study information about respiratory gymnastics?" 5% answered in the form of a brochure, 5% answered in the form of a presentation, 90% replied that they would like to attend a health school with training in techniques and exercises in respiratory gymnastics.Conclusion. The nursing process for pneumonia involves the organization of care for a person with inflammatory changes in the pulmonary parenchyma. It consists of several stages, depending on the severity of the disease. The plan of nursing care for patients, the selection of the correct methodology, training in performing exercises and quality control of the learned material is especially important. This work largely depends on the effective work of the nurse, her professionalism, and the ability to find a common language with the patient. Timely respiratory exercises can reduce the risk of developing late complications, as well as contribute to rapid recovery and return to a normal lifestyle.And the role of junior and secondary medical personnel in caring for patients with pneumonia should not be underestimated. In addition to fulfilling appointments, it creates more comfortable and psychological conditions for the patient, which also contributes to a speedy recovery. Conducting conversations with patients allows you to increase the level of knowledge of patients about breathing exercises. Great attention is paid to each patient, providing psychological support, attention and care. Also, one of the important tasks of a nurse is to monitor and assist in performing recreational physical exercises. So, it is the nursing process and care that can ensure and improve the quality of life of patients who have suffered from pneumonia. This is the main role of a nurse in the prevention of respiratory diseases and pneumonia itself.


About the authors

Marianna Viacheslavovna Zueva


Russian Federation, 305029,Russia, Kursk, 69 Karl Marx Street

Natalya Grigorievna Dyatchna

Kursk State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0000-0000-0001
Russian Federation, 305041. K. Marx, 3, Kursk

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