Medicine - on the Connection of the Earth and Space

  • Authors: Sigaeva E.A.1, Lezhenina S.A.1, Orekhova E.R.1
  • Affiliations:
    1. Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N.Burdenko
  • Pages: 184-186
  • URL:

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This article is devoted to the life history and scientific and applied activity of radiobiologist V.V. Antipov. We would like to introduce readers to this great man, paying attention not only to his achievements in the field of space exploration, but also to his personal qualities. This paper describes the themes that run through the entire biography of Vsevolod Vasilyevich: patriotism, morality, the desire for development. The article is intended to help the modern generation to learn more about our illustrious compatriot, whose works to this day do not lose their importance and relevance in many areas of medicine and technology. The legacy left by V.V. Antipov is a truly priceless treasure for the history of our Motherland.

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Probably, each of us, as a small child, looked at the stars and dreamed of flying into space to another planet or even to another universe. But not everyone thought about how difficult it is. After all, preparing for the flight requires no small effort. We need the right equipment, long training for both astronauts and the entire team as a whole. And to create and maintain one of these items, we need an understanding about the work of our body. What will happen to our body in zero gravity? And how can we support the health of astronauts in an environment where they will be affected by radiation? Vsevolod Vasilyevich Antipov, a graduate of our alma mater, was able to give answers to such difficult questions. It is also worth noting that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the founder of space medicine.
Before considering the merits of Vsevolod Vasilyevich, we would like to pay attention to his biography. He was born on October 23, 1923 in Voronezh in a peasant family. My father was a locksmith turner, and my mother was a housewife. Mom, Zinaida Yakovlevna, was a woman of harsh morals, so she was very responsible for raising children. As a leisure activity, she performed romances by a member of her family and played the piano, perhaps this is what brought a touch of romanticism to the personality of Vsevolod Vasilyevich.[1]
Since high school, Antipov and his classmates dreamed of entering a medical institute. But, alas, life had completely different plans for this. Graduation from school coincided with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Admission had to be postponed. Vsevolod Vasilyevich went to the front as a volunteer. After that, he was sent to the Tambov Artillery School, from which he graduated in December 1941 and was demobilized in August 1946 with the rank of technical lieutenant. Since September of this year, Antipov has been among the first after the military recruitment of students to the medical institute.[2]
The student life of the Voronezh radiobiologist was filled with bright colors, Vsevolod Vasilyevich did not ignore any of its spheres. He studied only with excellent marks, was a scholarship holder, the head of the circle on normal physiology, where he was engaged in scientific activities under the guidance of D.A.Biryukov. In addition, Antipov was also an activist in various student events. He played no major role in university productions, and also read the works of V.V. Mayakovsky from the stage.
After graduation, he entered the Institute for the Improvement of Doctors in Moscow, where he actively studied normal physiology. And in 1960, the work of Vsevolod Vasilyevich began at the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine.
The main task of his department of human spaceflight, special attention was paid to the effect of radiation on genetic mechanisms. These studies culminated in the discovery of the peculiarities of the response of the genetic apparatus of the cell to weightlessness in 1988.A significant contribution to this discovery was made by Vsevolod Vasilyevich.[4]

Under his leadership, a radiobiological assessment of the soil delivered by the unmanned spacecraft Luna - 16 was carried out. But because of the small amount of material, it was impossible to accurately judge its dangerous properties.
A great emphasis in research was on protecting humans from radiation effects during flight. Employees of the department (together with V. V. Antipov) created several radio-protective substances in case of a solar flare during the flight. Personally, Antipov developed the first specialized vest designed to protect astronauts from the galactic component of cosmic radiation.[3]
Vsevolod Vasilyevich was a truly wonderful man. His aspirations, desires and labors can be compared with the vast expanses of space, so alluring and fascinating. Probably, some may find such words inappropriate. But how else can you describe this outstanding man? After all, in addition to scientific activity, he did not forget about the cultural heritage of Russia. Vsevolod Vasilyevich tried to create a relationship between students, science, patriotism and moral education. And he did it on the basis of his alma mater, for whom he had the most tender and sincere feelings, as the letter dedicated to her indicates to us. So what did Vsevolod Vasilyevich do? In order to form a connection between the past and the future, the "Museum of Space Biology and Medicine" was opened to satisfy curious students. Antipov put a lot of effort into creating this museum. It was he who led the organization of the work, called up with his friends and colleagues, even donated his archive, which included unique books, documents, awards, documents with donations of astronauts.
In order to better understand the multifaceted personality of V.V. Antipov, it is necessary to mention his life principles, on which all his scientific activities, aspirations and desires were based:
1. Love of life manifests itself in the enjoyment of every day, respect for people, their values and traditions, for everything that can give it meaning.
2. To be not one of many, but a real leader in all spheres of life.
3. Keep the blow and avoid conflict situations despite all the difficulties of life.
4. Festina lenta (hurry up slowly!)
5. Romanticism. It was reflected in V.V. Antipov's love for writing poetry and traveling.
6. "Love of God", since the famous radiobiologist was a forgetful and kind person.
7. If the goal doesn't seem achievable, just look at it from a different angle. Perhaps this principle was formed by Vsevolod Vasilyevich during the war, when people, despite all the difficulties, became much more resistant.
8. the principle of philosophical attitude to life and death.
In conclusion, I would like to draw attention to the fact that one person is able to achieve scientific achievements, thereby working for the benefit of the whole country. And that's exactly what Vsevolod Vasilyevich was. He put a lot of effort and knowledge to expand our knowledge about the cosmos and its impact on humans. The contribution to the legacy that was left by Antipov can be considered truly priceless. We hope that the work started by V.V.Antipov will be continued, and the memory of his merits will be preserved thanks to the caring and purposeful students and employees of our university.


About the authors

Ekaterina Alexandrovna Sigaeva

Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N.Burdenko

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7567-2915

student of the 2nd year of the Faculty of General Medicine

Russian Federation, 10 Studentskaya str., Voronezh, 394036, Russia

Sophia Andreevna Lezhenina

Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N.Burdenko

ORCID iD: 0009-0004-0600-3445

student of the 2nd year of the Faculty of General Medicine

Russian Federation, 10 Studentskaya str., Voronezh, 394036, Russia

Elizabeth Romanovna Orekhova

Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N.Burdenko

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0002-3126-7640

student of the 2nd year of the Faculty of General Medicine

10 Studentskaya str., Voronezh, 394036, Russia


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