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Relevance. The life expectancy of cancer patients depends entirely on full-fledged dispensary observation, where key attention is paid to the early detection of relapses and metastases of the primary malignant focus. Today, the interest of doctors of all specialties in neoplasms of the adrenal glands is growing, especially in patients with a burdened oncological history. However, the data regarding metastatic adrenal cancer in most cases are based on the results of autopsy. This dictates the need to update the results of an intravital study of the histological material of adrenal neoplasms in patients, which will make it possible to develop tactics for the management and subsequent treatment of patients. Materials and methods. The medical documentation of patients with a history of malignant neoplasms was studied, in which, during the planned dispensary observation, ultrasound and then MRI (CT) of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space revealed the presence of tumors of the adrenal glands. Material for pathomorphological examination was obtained by performing a biopsy of the tumor and laparoscopic adrenalectomy. The discussion of the results. Histological examination of the obtained material made it possible to identify benign and malignant (metastatic) lesions.

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Relevance. Metastases to the adrenal glands can be solitary, without damage to other organs [1]. This often serves as an indicator of the progression of the disease [2]. Determination of the nature of the detected adrenal tumor in oncological patients is considered mandatory [2].
The purpose of the study. To evaluate the occurrence of non-metastatic adrenal neoplasms in patients with a burdened oncological history.
Material and methods. The conclusions of histological studies of adrenal tumors of patients of the III clinical group who were radically treated for malignant neoplasms of non-adrenal localization and underwent routine medical examination were analyzed in detail. The absence of hormonal activity of neoplasms was established by laboratory studies.
Results. Nonmetastatic neoplasms (adenomas, cysts, hyperplastic foci) were detected in 73% of patients, metastatic in 27%. After radical treatment of breast cancer (N=20) and uterine body cancer (N=3), all adrenal tumors turned out to be benign. The greatest number of metastases to the adrenal glands was found in lung cancer (13%), kidney (11%), colon (6%), stomach (5%), skin melanoma (4%).


About the authors

Dmitriy Andreevich Spiridonov

Voronezh State Medikal Univesite named after N.N. Burdenko

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0002-3557-0727

Department of Oncology, resident

Russian Federation, Voronezh, 10, Studencheskay street, Russia, 3940000

Olga Vladimirovna Proscyrakova

Voronezh Stаte Medical Univesity named after N.N. Burdenko

ORCID iD: 0009-0007-6622-1104

Depatment of oncology, resident

Russian Federation, Voronezh, 10, Studencheskay street, Russia, 3940000

Vladimir Alekseevich Andreev

Voronezh Stаte Medical Univesity named after N.N. Burdenko

ORCID iD: 0009-0005-6833-8440

Faculty of Medicine, student

Russian Federation, Voronezh, 10, Studencheskay street, Russia, 3940000


  1. Андреева О.В. Метастатическое поражение надпочечников у онкологических пациентов / О.В. Андреева, И.П. Мошуров // Вестник экспериментальной и клинической хирургии. - 2018. № 11(3). - С. 173.
  2. Андреева О.В. Возможности ультразвуковой диагностики в выявлении новообразований левого надпочечника в условиях поликлинического приема / О.В. Андреева, И.П. Мошуров, Б.Б. Кравец // Врач- аспирант. -2017.-Т. 84. №5.- С. 37-42.

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