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Annotation. The article is devoted to the life and state activity of Prince Platon Alexandrovich Shirinsky-Shikhmatov.
The relevance of this topic is indisputable, because today there is a historiographic problem, since in fact this topic has not been studied, there is not a single serious monograph by such a significant person as Prince Platon Alexandrovich Shirinsky-Shikhmatov.
The purpose of this study was to study the personality and state activity of Platon Aleksandrovich Shirinsky-Shikhmatov. Particular attention is paid to the activities of the prince as Minister of Public Education, while the policy of the Ministry in the field of education, enlightenment and Censorship is considered.
When writing this study, scientific methods were used: comparative analytical, the principle of historicism and the chronological method.
Results. As a result of the work done, it was concluded that during the period of his public service, Prince Platon Alexandrovich not only occupied the post of Minister of Public Education, but also the activities of Platon Alexandrovich Shirinsky-Shikhmatov as chairman of the Archaeographic Commission and its work as a whole are separately noted. This commission was engaged in identifying and publishing historical sources from ancient times to the end of the 17th century.
Conclusion. Prince Platon Alexandrovich did a lot for the Russian people in such a short period of his ministry: the teaching of the Law of God was strengthened, the influence of Philosophy was reduced, and the reading of Logic and Psychology was entrusted. Universities received the chair of Pedagogy or the science of education.Gymnasiums began to prepare young men for a classical education at universities and for admission immediately to the service in their specialty. County schools developed. An equally important merit of Prince Platon Alexandrovich Shirinsky-Shikhmatov was the publication of the Dictionary of the Church Slavonic and Russian Languages, the history of which is also discussed in this article. Also no less relevant is the charitable activities of Prince Platon Alexandrovich Shirinsky-Shikhmatov.

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The relevance of this topic is indisputable, because today there is a historiographic problem, since in fact this topic has not been studied, there is not a single serious monograph by such a significant person as Prince Platon Alexandrovich Shirinsky-Shikhmatov.
Target. The purpose of this study was to study the personality and state activity of Platon Aleksandrovich Shirinsky-Shikhmatov. Particular attention is paid to the activities of the prince as Minister of Public Education, while the policy of the Ministry in the field of education, enlightenment and Censorship is considered.
Methods. When writing this study, scientific methods were used: comparative analytical, the principle of historicism and the chronological method.
Prince Platon Alexandrovich Shirinsky-Shikhmatov - Russian statesman, Minister of Public Education (1850–1853), Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences (1841), writer.
Platon Alexandrovich was born in 1790 in the village. Dernovo, Vyazemsky district, Smolensk vicegerency. Descended from the ancient Shikhmatov family.
Left without a father at an early age, Platon Alexandrovich was raised by his mother Olga and older brother Sergei, better known in wide circles under the name of Hieromonk Anikita. From an early age, Prince Platon Alexandrovich received a Christian upbringing and education, thanks to which sincere humility and piety were implanted and rooted in him. Along with this, the prince studied sacred and church books, and also taught German and French.In 1804, Platon Alexandrovich entered the Naval Cadet Corps, where he studied under the supervision of his older brothers Pavel and Sergei. The elder brother, Prince Sergei, served as a cadet officer in the Naval Corps and partly replaced his father, Prince Platon Alexandrovich. [1, 15]
After three years, Platon Aleksandrovich passed the exams externally and graduated with honors from the Naval Cadet Corps, for which he was elevated to midshipman, and in 1811 he was awarded the rank of Lieutenant. The prince worked so hard in the field of science that he achieved such great success.
After the end of the Patriotic War of 1812, the rowing flotilla, in which the young lieutenant Platon Alexandrovich served at that time, was sent to the Danzig fortress, where the prince took part in fierce battles both on water and on land.
“On the night of October 24-25, 1813, he was in a battle on the shore, with a detachment of Colonel Eckeln and carried out his orders with fearlessness ...”. [1, 17 - 18] The prince also took part on November 8, 1813 in the battle, where he commanded the second battery, and on November 10, together with his flotilla, he defeated the enemy during a hard launch attack on the Motlau River.
The naval service had a beneficial effect on Platon Alexandrovich, after the end of his military service he wrote: “It is impossible not to admit that in the blessed state of a person, nothing disposes to God-thinking so much, nothing exalts his mind and heart so much, in delights of surprise to his Creator, like sailing." [1, 21]
After the end of his service at sea, Prince Platon Alexandrovich married P.N.Spichinskaya and for treatment and recuperation went to the estate of his wife, in Vetluzhsky district, Kostroma province.
After 4 years of a quiet life in the countryside, Prince Platon Aleksandrovich is invited to St. Petersburg, where he is offered to take the post of Director of Kazan University. Platon Aleksandrovich willingly agrees, just as after the end of military service he was actively engaged in scientific, poetic and literary activities. For the diligent service of Platon Alexandrovich, the Minister of Public Education A.S. Shishkov honored the prince with the rank of Collegiate Counselor and in 1824 appointed him Director of the Chancellery of the Ministry of Public Education.
Six years later, on May 26, 1830, Emperor Nicholas I, at the request of Prince Lieven, appoints Platon Alexandrovich chairman of the Foreign Censorship Committee. [2, 300] During his presidency, the prince made a huge number of translations of foreign texts, poems and books about the structure of many European states. For this, he was awarded the Order of the Holy Prince Vladimir of the 3rd degree.
After some time, Prince Platon Alexandrovich was appointed chairman of the Archaeographic Commission. Platon Alexandrovich held this position for 16 years. The Archaeographic Commission was engaged in identifying and publishing historical sources from ancient times to the end of the 17th century and brought great benefits to the Fatherland. [3, 15]
In February 1842, Platon Alexandrovich was appointed


About the authors

Alexandr Vyacheslavovich Radchenko

Voronezh Theological Seminary

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0005-9152-6175

Russian Federation, 394033, Leninsky prospect, 91


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