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RELEVANCE. Breastfeeding (LF) is the best form of nutrition for children from birth. With breast milk (GM), the child receives a complex of protective factors, hormones, immunoglobulins. Refusal of breastfeeding and reduction of its duration leads to increased morbidity and mortality in children [1].
TARGET. Conduct an analysis of the awareness of medical workers in the city of Voronezh on breastfeeding issues.
MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study was conducted on the basis of the BUZ VO "VGKP No. 1" of the children's polyclinic No. 2. The object was 72 questionnaires of medical workers in the city of Voronezh. Research methods: statistical, descriptive, questioning, analysis.
RESULTS. 72 questionnaires of medical workers in Voronezh were analyzed. Among the respondents, more than half (63.9%) are doctors (of which 46.2% are pediatricians, 53.8% are obstetricians-gynecologists), and 36.1% are nurses. The mean age is 44.5 years (SD 12.7 years). The average work experience in the specialty is 22.5 years (SD 14.6 years). To the question of the questionnaire: "HB reduces the risk of developing diseases" - 90.3% of the respondents answered - intestinal infections, 58.3% - ARVI, 36.1% - bronchial asthma, 25% - pneumonia, 19.4% - diseases of the middle ear . The fact that breastfeeding reduces the risk of developing obesity in children is considered by 88.9% of respondents, diabetes mellitus - 61.1%, bronchial asthma - 51.4%, cardiovascular diseases - 43.1%, arterial hypertension - 31, 9%. All respondents noted that breastfeeding reduces the risk of developing breast cancer in women, 48.6% - reduces the risk of ovarian cancer, 25% - anemia, 15.3% - osteoporosis. Not all respondents know about the WHO/UNICEF initiative "Baby Friendly Hospital" - 86.1%. “Which organizations take part in the initiative?”: 93.1% of people answered - children's polyclinics, 69.4% - maternity hospitals, 51.4% - antenatal clinics. Only 13.9% of people recommend breastfeeding until the age of the child 6 months, up to 12 months. - only 37.5%, up to 18 months. – 25%, up to 24 months. – 13.9%, 24 or more months. - 9.7%. Exclusively HB is advised up to 1 month. the life of a child is only 20.8% of health workers, up to 4 months. - 34.8%, up to 6 months. – less than half (44.4%). 8.3% consider supplementing water with exclusively HB, and the vast majority (91.7%) do not recommend it. The methods for assessing the sufficiency of GM in 33.3% of respondents is control weighing, in 52.8% - the assessment of monthly weight gain, in 13.9% - the assessment of the number of urination per day. Sources of medical knowledge: study at a medical school/university - 77.5% of respondents, advanced training - 59.7%, popular science literature - 58.3%, conferences - 27.8%, Internet - 19 ,4%.
CONCLUSION. Questionnaires of medical workers allow to identify problematic points in the issues of counseling mothers on breastfeeding and determine topics for further training. Increasing the level of knowledge, compliance with the Breastfeeding Policy will improve breastfeeding indicators, which will lead to improved health of the child population.

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RELEVANCE. At all times, breastfeeding (HF) has been and remains the best, unique type of nutrition for children from birth. With breast milk (GM), the child receives the whole complex of protective factors, hormones, immunoglobulins. Mother's milk strengthens the spiritual and physical connection with the mother, inspires him with a sense of security in this vast and mysterious world. Refusal of breastfeeding and reduction of its duration leads to an increase in morbidity and mortality in children [1, 2]. For example, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, 41.2% of mothers were able to feed a child up to a year in 2016, and only 39.2% in 2020.
Health professionals should help mothers maintain and prolong breastfeeding through consistent and professional breastfeeding advice. Therefore, it is important to analyze measures to protect the health of the child population, namely, the ability to train medical workers and apply the knowledge gained in their professional activities.
TARGET. Conduct an analysis of the awareness of medical workers in the city of Voronezh on breastfeeding issues.
MATERIALS AND METHODS. The survey of medical workers regarding knowledge on breastfeeding issues was analyzed. The questionnaire included questions on the following sections: general questions (specialty, age, length of service), benefits of breastfeeding, the role of medical organizations and medical workers in supporting breastfeeding. The study was conducted on the basis of the Children's Polyclinic No. 2, Regional Center for Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding. The survey involved 72 medical workers aged 22 to 71 years. Based on the results of the survey, conclusions were drawn, including data on the level of knowledge of medical workers on the topic of breastfeeding. In the course of the study, statistical, descriptive research methods, questionnaires, and analysis were used.
RESULTS. 72 questionnaires of medical workers in the city of Voronezh were retrospectively analyzed. Of the total number of respondents, 63.9% are doctors (of which 46.2% are pediatricians, 53.8% are obstetricians-gynecologists), 36.1% are nurses. The average age of medical workers is 44.5 years (SD 12.7 years). The average work experience in the specialty is 22.5 years (SD 14.6 years). To the question "HB reduces the risk of developing the following diseases", 90.3% of respondents answered - intestinal infections, 58.3% - SARS, 36.1% - bronchial asthma, 25% - pneumonia, 19.4% - diseases of the middle ear. The fact that breastfeeding at an older age reduces the risk of developing obesity is considered by 88.9% of respondents, diabetes mellitus - 61.1%, bronchial asthma - 51.4%, cardiovascular diseases - 43.1%, arterial hypertension - 31 ,9%. All respondents noted that breastfeeding reduces the risk of developing breast cancer in women, 48.6% - reduces the risk of ovarian cancer, 25% - anemia, 15.3% - osteoporosis. Not all respondents know about the WHO/UNICEF initiative "Baby Friendly Hospital" - 86.1%. “Which organizations take part in the initiative?”: 93.1% of people answered - children's polyclinics, 69.4% - maternity hospitals, 51.4% - antenatal clinics. Only 13.9% of people recommend breastfeeding until the age of the child 6 months, up to 12 months. - only 37.5%, up to 18 months. – 25%, up to 24 months. – 13.9%, 24 or more months. - 9.7%. Exclusively HB is advised to keep up to 1 month. the life of a child is only 20.8% of health workers, up to 4 months. - 34.8%, up to 6 months. – less than half (44.4%). 8.3% consider supplementing water with exclusively HW, and the vast majority (91.7%) do not recommend it. The methods for assessing the sufficiency of GM in 33.3% of respondents is control weighing, in 52.8% - the assessment of monthly weight gain, in 13.9% - the assessment of the number of urination per day. Sources of medical knowledge: studying at a medical school / university - 77.5% of respondents, advanced training - 59.7%, popular science literature - 58.3%, participation in conferences - 27.8%, Internet sites - 19.4%.
DISCUSSION. When analyzing the survey of medical workers, it was found that over time, many knowledge needs to be improved and supplemented. Therefore, periodic research of this format makes it possible to identify what gaps in knowledge on GW issues need to be filled.
More than half of the respondents are doctors. When calculated, the average age of health workers was 44.5 years, which, according to the WHO classification, corresponds to “middle age”, where the length of service was ½ of the average age (22.5 years). According to statistics, the average age of personnel in healthcare is 44.2 years.
There were questions in the questionnaire, to which almost all respondents answered in the same way: about the reduction of breast cancer in women, about the benefits of breastfeeding, about diseases in children, the risk of which decreases with breastfeeding (90.3% of respondents answered - intestinal infections, more than half - SARS). There is a fairly high level of knowledge about the preventive role of HB in the occurrence of diseases in older children, such as obesity, diabetes, diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Latest Russian research


About the authors

Irina Mikhailovna Kovylova

Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9917-1288
Russian Federation, 10 Studencheskaya str., Voronezh, Russia, 394036


  1. П.А. Смелов, С.Ю. Никитина, Л.И. Агеева, Г.А. Александрова, Н.А. Голубев, Г.Н. Кириллова, Е.В. Огрызко, Ю.И Оськов, Пак Ден Нам, Т.Л. Харькова, В.Ж. Чумарина. Здравоохранение в России: статистический сборник (2021).
  2. Н.В. Скрипченко, Л.А. Федорова, Е.Ю. Скрипченко, Е.Г. Макарова, Т.В. Клепикова, С.Е. Украинцев. Питание и развитие мозга: вклад в будущее или упущенные возможности? //Педиатрия им. Г.Н. Сперанского. – 2020.

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