- Authors: Ishutin R.D.1
- Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko
- Pages: 432-434
- Section: Сестринское дело
- URL:
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Relevance. One of the most common disorders of the endocrine system of the Russian population is diffuse toxic goiter. Since the thyroid gland performs many vital functions, if these functions are violated, a person begins to suffer from a wide range of developing pathological conditions, up to and including death.
Purpose: to analyze students' knowledge about the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, the features of care for this pathology, and preventive measures.
Materials and methods. In the course of the study, a survey was carried out, the analysis of the information received and literary sources was carried out, then the statistical processing of the results was performed.
Results. Questioning of future medical workers showed their awareness of the issues of diagnosis and prevention of thyrotoxicosis, the features of care for this pathology. Early detection of the disease is very important for the preservation of vital body functions. After all, thyroid hormones affect all systems of human organs, with a lack or excess of them, an imbalance of all processes is observed.
Conclusion. Currently, there is a real danger of the progression of thyroid diseases in endemic areas of residence, due to nutrition and lifestyle, neglect of rational nutrition measures, and the presence of unhealthy food preferences. Future doctors showed good awareness of issues related to the characteristics of the clinical manifestations of thyrotoxicosis, its prevention and organization of care for this pathology. A sufficient level of knowledge about the prevention of thyrotoxicosis, alertness to this disease gives reason to think that future health workers will be able to effectively organize and conduct health education activities and timely detect pathology before complications develop.
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Relevance. A normally functioning thyroid gland is a great boon for any person, which is fully appreciated by the individual in violation of its function. Currently, diseases of the endocrine glands are acutely on the agenda in many countries and represent a serious problem for both medicine and society as a whole [1]. Throughout the civilized world, there is a significant increase in endocrine pathology, and above all Graves' disease [2, 3]. Specialists declare an “epidemic” of thyroid diseases in the population, which depends on the place of residence, heredity, nutrition, previous infections, stress, injuries and lifestyle [3]. After all, Graves' disease affects a person's performance, fatigue increases, intelligence falls, memory lapses occur, the musculoskeletal system suffers (osteoporosis develops), it can be difficult for a person to get out of bed. The problem is global. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the first symptoms of the disease in time and contact specialists.
At the same time, attention is drawn to the features of care for this pathology, which is organized by nursing staff. Proper care, timely medication, diet, daily routine - all this has a positive effect on the recovery process, accelerating the recovery period, reducing the rehabilitation period [4, 5]. It is the nursing staff who performs the doctor's prescriptions, measures temperature, blood pressure, monitors the correctness of the collection of tests, participates in the collection of materials for the study, monitors compliance with the prescriptions [5]. Therefore, it is important to keep the awareness of mid-level medical workers (including future ones) at a high level.
Target. To study the role of nursing staff in caring for patients with Basedow's disease and to analyze students' awareness of the care, prevention and diagnosis of diffuse toxic goiter.
Materials and methods. The methods of voluntary questioning and statistical processing of the results were used in the work. The survey included 10 questions, which were answered by men and women from 17 to 40 years old. A total of 50 people were interviewed. The purpose of the survey is to identify the knowledge of future medical workers about hyperthyroidism and care features. The study was completed during 2022.
Results. The role of a nurse in organizing care for patients with diffuse toxic goiter is very important. It is mid-level health workers who organize patient care, make their stay in a medical organization comfortable, setting them up for a speedy recovery. In addition, nurses help the doctor by measuring temperature, blood pressure, counting the pulse, respiratory rate, timely reporting the patient's objective data, their changes and signs of deterioration or positive dynamics. Do not forget that it is the nursing staff who implements the drug therapy prescribed by the doctor, and also controls the execution of medical prescriptions for patients, explains to him the essence of the basic procedures, the rules for preparing for research, collecting tests, etc., thereby increasing compliance.
As part of this research work, the awareness of students of the Institute of Nursing Education (ISO) of the Voronezh State Medical University was studied. N.N. Burdenko about the essence of measures for the prevention, diagnosis and care of patients with hyperthyroidism. A questionnaire consisting of ten questions was developed. The survey participants were asked to complete a voluntary, anonymous survey. The study involved 50 students, including 15 (30%) male and 35 (70%) female, aged 17 to 40 years. The average age of the respondents was 19.5 years.
The first two questions dealt with gender and age, and their results are presented above. To the third question of the questionnaire “Do students know what diffuse-toxic goiter is?” received the following answers: 39 people (78%) noted that they know, and 11 people (22%) do not know.
To the fourth question of the questionnaire, “What are the symptoms of Basedow’s disease?”, the following answers were most often given:
✓ 64% noted an increase in the thyroid gland,
✓ 34% - weight loss,
✓ 26% - hair loss,
✓ 20% - bulging eyes (exophthalmos),
✓ 14% - temperature rise,
✓ 6% - dry skin.
To the fifth question of the questionnaire “What is nursing care based on for this disease?” respondents more often responded to providing mental and physical rest - 20 people (40%); informing the patient and dispensing medicines - 10 people (20%); control of irritability factors (light, noise) - 8 students (16%); control over the observance of the daily regimen and diet - 7 people (14%), injection manipulations - 5 people (10%).
To the sixth question of the questionnaire “What foods are useful for maintaining the function of the thyroid gland, preventing violations of its function?” students answered as follows: seafood - 25 people (50%); dairy products - 11 people (22%); greens - 9 people (18%); red meat - 5 respondents each (10% each).
To the seventh question of the questionnaire “What diagnostic measures for
should be performed when symptoms of diffuse toxic goiter appear? most often they wrote - to take tests for thyroid hormones in 30 people (60%,), as well as to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland - 15 answers (30%); consult an endocrinologist - 5 people (10%).
To the eighth question of the questionnaire “How does thyrotoxicosis affect performance?”, respondents noted that it lowers -37 people (74%), since hyperthyroidism causes disturbances in the structure of the musculoskeletal system, disruption of the nervous system, and increases fatigue. Unfortunately, 13 students (26%) made a mistake with the answer, indicating that the working capacity is increasing.
To the ninth question of the questionnaire “Does weight increase with hyperthyroidism?”, the students answered as follows: it increases - 5 people (10%); decreases - 45 (90%), since with an excess of thyroid hormones, the metabolism increases, stool becomes more frequent and weight becomes less.
To the tenth question of the questionnaire “Which narrow specialists should be visited for Basedow's disease?” indicated the following options:
✓ endocrinologist - 33 people (66%);
✓ a neurologist, since this disease can develop under severe stress - 13 people (26%);
✓ an ophthalmologist, since vision suffers with this disease, exophthalmos develops, and symptoms of Stelwig, Mobius and Graefe may appear - 4 people (8%).
Discussion. Summing up the results of the survey of students of the ISO VSMU. N.N. Burdenko on aspects of care, prevention and diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, we can say that there is increased alertness regarding this disease and good awareness about it. In most cases, the respondents offered the right nursing care for the sick, chose the right diet for the prevention of this pathology, named diagnostic criteria and the profile of specialists to contact.
Conclusion. Currently, there is a real danger of the progression of thyroid diseases in endemic areas of residence, due to nutrition and lifestyle, neglect of rational nutrition measures, and the presence of unhealthy food preferences. Future physicians showed good awareness in the prevention and diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction. Knowledge of the basics of thyrotoxicosis prevention and motivation for their regular implementation is the key to maintaining the normal functioning of the thyroid gland for many years. Future doctors showed good awareness of issues related to the characteristics of the clinical manifestations of thyrotoxicosis, its prevention and organization of care for this pathology. A sufficient level of knowledge about the prevention of thyrotoxicosis, alertness to this disease gives reason to think that future health workers will be able to effectively organize and conduct health education activities and timely detect pathology before complications develop.
About the authors
Roman Dmitrievich Ishutin
Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5927-7122
SPIN-code: 2422-6830
Russian Federation, 10 Studentskaya str., Voronezh, 394036, RussiaReferences
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