• Authors: Efimenko V.1, Semenihina E.S.1
  • Affiliations:
    1. Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko
  • Pages: 57-60
  • URL: https://www.new.vestnik-surgery.com/index.php/2415-7805/article/view/7611

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Relevance: The profession of a doctor is in demand in any society, it is one of the most difficult professions. This profession is suitable for those who like to help people. Since ancient times, the profession of a doctor has been considered one of the most prestigious. The help of doctors is sometimes invaluable, these people do a great job, saving the lives of adults and children.Purpose: to tell about the Voronezh State Medical University named after Nikolai Nikolaevich Burdenko. Tell about great people and about their contribution to medicine. Keywords: medicine, war, history, university, discovery.Methods: search, research.

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Medicine is a social institution that plays an important role in the life of modern society, whose activities are aimed at preserving the life and health of people.
War means huge sacrifices, tears, grief. This is a struggle between peoples, states or classes to achieve their political goals with the use of mass weapons.
History is a science that studies the past, studies historical events and phenomena, human life and its activities in the past.
The university is an educational institution where specialists in various fields are trained, in which there are humanitarian, natural and applied sciences.
Discovery is the achievement of something new, unknown, perfected in the process of scientific knowledge.
VSMU named after Nikolai Nikolaevich Burdenko is one of the oldest universities in Russia. The historical roots of the higher educational institution begin in 1801, when the University of Dorpat was founded by Alexander I. In 1893, by decree of Alexander III, Derptsky became Yuryev University. After the occupation by the troops, the university was declared German. Part of the property of Yuriev University, evacuated in 1915-1916, became the basis for the emergence of VSU in 1918. Voronezh State University included 4 faculties, including medical. On June 23, 1994, by order of the State Medical Institute, it was renamed the Voronezh State Medical Academy. N. N. Burdenko (VSMA). At that time, there were already 6 faculties: medical, pediatric, dental, higher education of doctors (1983), pre-university training and foreign students (1992). In 1994, the Faculty of Higher Nursing (FVSO) was opened.
Voronezh Medical University is famous for its outstanding doctors and their contribution to the history of medicine. I will now tell about one of these doctors.
Shtutser Mikhail Ivanovich (1879-1935) - Soviet microbiologist, doctor of medical sciences.
Trained at the Medical Faculty of the Capital University. In 1904-1905 he worked as an intern at the Red Cross hospital in Port Arthur. In 1906 he graduated with honors from the medical faculty. Then he was a zemstvo doctor, and for a year and a half he improved in bacteriology in Germany at the Institute of Infectious Diseases. R. Koch worked as a bacteriologist in Moscow. From 1921 to 1926, he headed the Department of Hygiene and Microbiology of the Medical Faculty of Voronezh University, created on his initiative. In 1926-1930, director and scientific director of the Rostov-on-Don Institute of Microbiology (now the Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Hygiene M3 of the RSFSR). From 1930 until the last days of his life, he headed the Kyiv Institute of Microbiology (now the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Parasitology of the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR).
M. I. Shtutser is the author of about 80 scientific papers devoted to the study of pathogens of dysentery, diphtheria, cholera, paratyphoid fever, etc. He experimentally proved the role of the omentum in protecting the abdominal organs from infection. M.I. Fiting in 1917, independently of Schmitz, isolated the causative agent of dysentery, later named Shigella Stutzer-Schmitz. A number of his works are devoted to the study of the variability of bacteria. He established the possibility of using entomopathogenic bacteria to control sugar beet pests.
Itsenko Nikolai Mikhailovich (1889-1954) - Soviet neuropathologist.
He studied at the VMA, but was expelled from it in 1913 for participating in student riots. Then he entered the Yuriev University (Tartu), graduating in 1918. In 1923 he defended his doctoral dissertation in epidemiology. encephalitis. From 1929 he headed the department of physiotherapy in Medical Rostov. in those, since 1933 - the department of nervous diseases in honey. Ivanovo. in these; since 1939 - professor of the medical faculty of Voronezh. in that. N. M. Itsenko published more than 100 scientific papers, including 6 monographs on the problems of neuroinfections, diseases of V. I. N. s., brain tumors.
In 1925-1926. described a type of subcortical diencephalic epilepsy resembling convulsions described in 1863 by the Russian physician Vorsab. This type of epilepsy is called Vorsab-Itsenko epilepsy. In 1925, they described a disease of the interstitial-pituitary system, described in 1932 by X. Cushing, now known as Itsenko-Cushing's disease (see Itsenko-Cushing's disease). In 1946, N. M. Itsenko published a monograph on this disease.
Smirnov Alexander Vasilyevich (1886–1972) and Pavel Mikhailovich Kovalevsky (1823 - 1907)
In December 1925, Professor A. V. Smirnov, a student of S. P. Fedorov, headed the surgical department of the faculty. Alexander Vasilyevich headed the department for 7 years until 1933.In fact, he became the founder of the development of urology in Voronezh - he organized the Department of Urology, conducted extensive research on the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract in experience and in the clinic, evaluated and optimized various methods of surgical treatment of patients with this pathology, introduced modern methods into practice diagnostics.
Smirnov published a number of scientific articles on urological issues of great theoretical and practical importance (“On the carbuncle of the kidney”, “On atypical and latent nephrolithiasis”, “On the etiology of nephrolithiasis”, “On one diagnostic error in the diagnosis of a vagus kidney”, etc.) .
Associate Professor of the Clinic of Hospital Surgery named after P.M. Kovalevsky In 1928, after an internship at Professor Ber's clinic in Germany, Kovalevsky applied the endovesical method of removing ureteral stones. Published a number of articles on topical issues in urology.
In the 1930s, excretory urography with the domestic drug sergozin began to be widely used in clinics. In the prewar years, a lot of work was done to introduce modern methods of diagnosis and treatment into practice. The war interrupted the peaceful development of surgery. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, most surgeons went to the front.
Results: data collection, study of material and articles, study of the history of medicine.
Conclusion: Everyone deserves great respect, their contribution to medicine is very great and very significant for the history of medicine as a whole. Not only in Russia, but also abroad. A doctor is not a profession, not a white coat. A doctor is what you have inside, you cannot become a doctor, they need to be born.


About the authors

Valeria Efimenko

Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko

Email: valeriaefimenko20002@icloud.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1838-0588
Russian Federation, 394036, Russia, Voronezh, Studentskaya St, 10

Elena Serafimovna Semenihina

Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko

Author for correspondence.
Email: lenalev@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9469-2719
Russian Federation, 394036, Russia, Voronezh, Studentskaya St, 10


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