- Authors: Sharipov T.I.1, Dautbaev D.G.1
- Bashkir state medical university
- Issue: Vol 11 (2022): Materials of the XVIII International Burdenkov Scientific Conference on April 14-16, 2022
- Pages: 511-514
- Section: Управление в здравоохранении
- URL:
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Relevance: a lot of scientific publications have been published about Alexander Eduardovich Rauer, which covered his scientific and practical activities. Despite this, a generalization of data on his scientific and practical achievements will help determine Rauer's contribution to the development of surgery.
Purpose: to study the contribution of Alexander Eduardovich Rauer to the development of surgery.
Materials and methods: collection and analysis of various bibliographic sources with the search for facts showing new aspects of the practical and scientific activity of Alexander Eduardovich Rauer
Results: A.E. Rauer, during his rich and eventful life, fought the plague, participated in wars, and studied at various scientific institutions. As a result, he defended his dissertation on abdominal surgery, proposed a new plastic bladder, operated on various injuries received by soldiers at the front. Despite the fact that the literature provides data on his operations on the middle and lower third of the face, in the manual of Rauer and Michelson "Plastic surgery on the face" plastic surgery was found for pathology of the eyelids; with defects in the eye bed, the absence of eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as forehead wrinkles.
Conclusion: As a result of the analysis of literature data, it was found that Rauer has scientific achievements in the field of abdominal surgery, urology, plastic surgery, not only in the lower and middle, but also in the upper third of the maxillofacial region. The practical activities of Rauer made it possible to save and rehabilitate many soldiers who suffered in the wars of the 20th century.
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Relevance: Alexander Eduardovich Rauer is the founder of maxillofacial and reconstructive plastic surgery in Russia, while biographical publications and articles on the history of maxillofacial surgery and plastic reconstructive surgery do not fully cover the scientific achievements of the scientist [1-4]. There is no generalizing work that was devoted to his discoveries, inventions and scientific achievements.
Purpose: to analyze scientific articles on the history of medicine and other sources of information that present Rauer's scientific and practical achievements in order to summarize the significance of his contribution to the development of surgery.
Materials and methods: analysis of biographical articles and scientific works of A.E. Rauer, articles and publications on the history of maxillofacial surgery and plastic reconstructive surgery, for facts about the scientific and practical achievements of Alexander Eduardovich Rauer.
Results of the study: Alexander Eduardovich Rauer was born in 1871 in Central Asia, in the city of Przhevalsk, in a family of twelve people [3]. Some sources indicate that he was born in the city of Verny (Alma-Ata) [4, 5]. Rauer graduated from the medical faculty of the Imperial Tomsk University. For his rich and saturated life of practical experience, A.E. Rauer worked in many scientific institutions, surgical clinics. He participated in the Russo-Japanese, First and Second World Wars, rescuing wounded soldiers. He actively participated in the fight against epidemics, so he was sent to the Irkutsk province, where up to 100 thousand inhabitants died from the epidemic of plague and cholera. For his achievements, Rauer received many awards and honorary titles. [3-6].
You can learn about the operations performed by Rauer from many articles devoted to his activities. It is important to understand that, despite his rich scientific and practical experience in surgical interventions in the maxillofacial region, he also dealt with other problems of surgery. So in 1909 A.E. Rauer wrote a dissertation on the topic "The doctrine of inflammatory changes in the walls of the appendix (the experience of studying repeated attacks of appendicitis)" and in 1911 brilliantly defended it. He proposed an original method for creating a bladder from the colon and successfully applied it in practice, it should be noted that a similar principle is used in the Studer orthotopic bladder plastics technique, which is still used in oncourology to this day. There is even a RF Patent for the invention No. 2264790 "Method of forming an orthotopic urinary reservoir." Also, the great surgeon was engaged in plastic surgery for malformations of the limbs [4, 7].
Alexander Eduardovich Rauer could be well versed in traumatology and orthopedics. He operated on wounded soldiers from the front who had various combined injuries, fractures and dislocations. His connection with orthopedics is evidenced by the fact that, thanks to the support of Professor V.N. Rozanov, Rauer opened the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the Medical and Prosthetic Institute in Moscow [4].
Rauer's surgical interventions in the maxillofacial area concerned numerous plastic surgeries that affected almost all areas of the face: reconstructive surgeries for congenital cleft lips and palate, through defects of the middle and lower zones of the face; rhinoplasty operations for total nasal defects, ear curl plasty. [4, 8] At the same time, various methods of closing the defect were used, from the method of preserving allocartilage and using it to eliminate combined facial defects, to the use of local tissue flaps [4] A.E. Rauer was an enthusiast for the use of Filatov stems, which are still used today. This method is also called "walking stem". Its essence lies in the "step by step" movement of the stalked flap from different parts of the body. Especially often the Filatov stem is used in facial surgery to close various defects, but it can also be used on other parts of the body. The literature describes cases of its application by A.B. Zaitsev and V.N. Mitrofanov to eliminate cicatricial deformity of the anterointernal surface of the lower leg with exposure of the tendons and tibia in 2012 at the Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics [2]. It should also be noted that, introduced in the first post-war years, the technique of forming a duplicated thoracohumeral flap to restore the chin according to Rauer (this flap is formed on the shoulder in a longitudinal position, and on the chest in a transverse position, is used to close extensive through defects with the creation of both internal and external lining) . A similar technique was used by the great surgeon for ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint. During this operation, access to the ankylosis is formed, the lower jaw is separated by an oblique incision, then a piece of fascia with subcutaneous fat is taken on the thigh and placed in the resulting free space. Fat prevents fusion of the periosteum in the area of the osteotomy [9].
The main works of Rauer were presented by monographs, which were repeatedly reprinted.
About the authors
Timur Irekovich Sharipov
Bashkir state medical university
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2191-4835
Russian Federation
Danis Galimyanovich Dautbaev
Bashkir state medical university
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0329-6615
SPIN-code: 8374-2185
Russian Federation
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